Ranch Hope Leadership

Board of Directors

Chloe Williams – Chairperson
Dr. Tom Ryan – Vice Chairperson
Dave Tanzola – Secretary
Irv Chard – Treasurer

Kevin Bass  ▪  Dr. Janice Betts  ▪  John Bobbitt  ▪  Delise Dare  ▪  Tony Geri
Brenda Goins  ▪  John Harris  ▪  Rev. Awood Jones  ▪  Zach Mortimer  ▪  James Porter

Administrative Leadership

Dave Bailey

David L. Bailey, Jr., MS, Chief Executive Officer

I lead a dynamic team of talented clinicians, educators, health care professionals, volunteers and support staff at Ranch Hope, where I’ve served for over 25 years. My strengths include public speaking, coaching, energy, peace keeping and making friends (and gift from my father). The goal? Show up! And once I do, BE REAL, serve humbly, with patience, humor and utilizing the gifts of those around me. Never settle! I’ve championed social enterprise, green design, technology and collaboration. Take action! Gather intel, Gather insight, Move Forward! I am a graduate of Penn State University (’89) and thankful to a flexible Eastern University (MS ’02) where as a new father I took classes at night, at St David’s and Center City campuses. I stay involved in the community as a member of the Salem County Chamber of Commerce Board, a member of the Memorial Hospital of Salem County Board, member of the Salem County Community College Foundation Board and member of the Rotary Club of Woodstown.

A Message from the CEO

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to visit our website and learn how Ranch Hope serves children and families throughout the State of New Jersey and Delaware Valley!

I am honored to represent the many houseparents, counselors, teachers, staff and volunteers of the Ranch Hope family as Executive Officer of the ministry, founded by my father and mother in 1964. Since that time, Ranch Hope has continued to be a shelter of hope – changing the lives of area children few will help and fewer will assist.

My father has always defined the word “hope” as – “an expectation of success!” Ranch Hope is a ministry that “expects” success in all that we strive to do. We are continually motivated by the values taught to us by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. By mentoring His ways to the children entrusted to us, we believe every child can learn. We believe every child can grow, and we believe every child can suceed.

After reviewing this website, I ask that you consider becoming a member of the Ranch Hope “family”, either professionally, as a volunteer or through your financial support. Each of these memberships is vital to sustaining this ministry. Thank you for your interest and I hope to speak with you soon.

In Him,
David L. Bailey, Jr.
Chief Executive Officer

Ms. Elaine DunnerElaine Dunner
HR Director

Brian NichterleinBrian Nichterlein
Strang School, Principal

Mr. Michael Cosby Michael Cosby
Residential Treatment Center Program Director

Mr. Jonathon CummingsJonathon Cummings
Director of Community Missions

Mr. Roger Garrison Roger Garrison
Director of Youth & Adult Ministry

Mr. Jeff Harvey Jeff Harvey, MSW, LCSW
Chief Operating Officer

Mr. Howard HirschHoward Hirsch
Director of Development

Dr. Kouyoumdji Dr. Paul Kouyoumdji, M.D.
Medical Director

Ms. Megan QuinnMegan Quinn, MS, DE-CMHS
SPEC Program Director

Mr. John SalvatoreJohn Salvatore
Director of Marketing & Communications

Ms. Susan WilliamsSusan Williams
Director of Quality Assurance & Accreditation

Doug Wright, CPA Chief Financial OfficerDoug Wright
Chief Financial Officer

Ranch Hope’s Sexual Abuse Safe-Child Statement

Ranch Hope is committed to the safety and well-being of all children and youth accessing our services.  We have taken steps to educate our staff about the risks related to child sexual abuse, instituted polices and practices designed to protect children from the risk of child sexual abuse and trained our staff and volunteers about proper reporting requirements.

View Ranch Hope’s Policies and Procedures in regards to the Sexual Abuse Safe Child Standards. These policies and procedures are the result of a comprehensive evaluation of Ranch Hope’s current programs and facility.

Any person having reasonable cause to believe that a child has been subjected to child abuse, neglect, or acts of child abuse must immediately report that to New Jersey Department of Children and Families (NJDCF).

Call: 609-888-7440