But Then I Hear A Voice Say “That’s Not You”

Dear Friend of our Ranch Hope Children,

Take a moment and imagine a life filled with chaos – school struggles, family instability, anxiety, lack of safety and insecurity. Where would you find respite and refuge?

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity” (Sun Tzu).

For many of our youth their “sanctuary” is spending time at “R” Garden. To some it might just look like a plot of dirt but to our youth it is so much more. What started off as a 100 sq ft plot in a field has now turned into a new way of coping. Current youth, T.C. found his respite while working in the garden- “When I’m frustrated or full of emotions I go to the garden. Planting helps me realign and to process different scenarios. Spending time in the garden is relaxing, there’s fresh air and it just feels good.” Not only has the garden started to grow vegetables but it has also assisted in growing relationships with God. Another youth, M.A. said, “If you ever just think about a little seed transforming into a flourishing plant you have to stand in awe at God’s creation.” Thanks to your continued support our youth can leave with a new life skill that provides nourishment and a positive outlet for frustration, anxiety and stress.

We have exciting news! The Salem Health & Wellness Foundation (SHWF) has again selected Ranch Hope to be a partner in its matching gift program! Every gift received by Ranch Hope from now until December 1, 2021 will be doubled by SHWF (up to $20,000.) Simply send your check made payable to Ranch Hope, Inc. in the enclosed envelope and SHWF will double your gift. It is that easy! If you prefer to make your gift online using a credit card or PayPal, please visit our website, www.ranchhope.org, and click on the Donate Button at the top of the page. Your online gift will also be matched by SHWF! Praise the Lord for this wonderful matching gift opportunity!

Your donation will have a lasting impact on our ministry in the days to come. We ask that you please consider making your tax-deductible gift today to help our youth and families through one of three ways:

Take a moment and imagine a life filled with chaos – school struggles, family instability, anxiety, lack of safety and insecurity. Where would you find respite and refuge?

“The devil may lead me down the wrong path

Members of the club, identified as “R-Ninjas”, painted tires, dug trenches, cleared trails, stuffed 999 race participant bags, cleaned a kitchen, marked race paths, and built obstacles spanning 5-miles of unforgiving terrain. Everyone worked hard and represented Ranch Hope with honor. Race directors remarked on how well we served their specific needs and also shared how Ranch Hope and the Goliathon is a perfect partnership.

R-Ninjas competed in the Goliathon Race on June 5th. The morning started with a prayer by Direct Care Staff, Mr. Kent which was followed by a homemade omelet breakfast in Hope Home. Then participants received their new uniforms as they watched a 20 minute video highlighting their hard work at practices over the past three months. Before departing for the racecourse, a teammate read 1 Samuel 17 and reminded teammates of how David put his trust in the Lord and not his own strength in order to defeat Goliath.

Once at the event, R-Ninjas completed the grueling course without backing down in the face of intimidating challenges filled with potential for failure. They valued effort over achievement and all received medals in honor of their accomplishments. As one of our teammates prayed a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord for his many blessings, he thanked God for giving us “one of the best days of our lives”.

but then I hear a voice say ‘that’s not you.”

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Graduate holding up his diploma